Saturday, February 18, 2012

5 Easy Steps to Saving for the Future

Saving for the future seems like such a daunting task but it doesn't have to be.  In today's economic climate when most people are living check to check, saving for retirement or just a rainy day has become even more of necessity.  Unfortunately, it seems my generation won't be able to count on social security in our old age.  And with the value of 401ks and IRAs being so unpredictable, there have to be new options.  Below I've outlined 5 steps you can take that will leave you worry free and secure.

1. Don't Stress

Most thoughts about money and saving evoke feelings of stress.  Let that go.  Trust that you will be provided for and that you will create a comfortable plan that works for you.  Stress is unhealthy and paralyzing.  If you stress about money you won't be able to think clearly about it.  And luckily there are some options out there that make saving easy.

2. Research

Review your options.  Ask questions, read articles, talk to friends.  What plans are offered at your job?  What IRA's will work for you?  Look into new money trends.  For example, 4N1FUND, it's new on the scene and now might be a good time to get on board.  It's a savings account that leverages your money by combining it with investments from other people.  The more the merrier, the more the richer.  I have both a Roth IRA and 4N1FUND, they both work for me for different reasons.  Over the next few months I will give more info on them both.  In the mean time, here's a link for more info:  4N1FUND

3. Plan

Once you pick your best option, make a budget and decide how much money you can afford to put aside each month.

4. Save

Commit to monthly contributions.  This is the most important.  Don't fall short, even if it's just $100 a month, a plan like 4N1FUND makes it easy for you to contribute each month without even thinking about it.  I actually think it's going to be the next big thing for my generation when it comes to saving.

5. Track Spending

Create a budget and keep your debt under control.  As a freelance writer, it's easy for me to lose track of where my money is coming from and where it's going so I make a budget to track my spending.

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